"The Trust objects to the change of use of the Bedford Civic Theatre to a new borough council ‘One-Stop-Shop’ facility because a valuable theatre facility will be lost and there is no replacement provision provided within the catchment area. We were disappointed to receive this application, which proposes the demolition of all the theatrical facilities, despite our objections at the pre-application stage. Although we are pleased that the applicants will retain the existing theatre shell, and we appreciate the gesture to retain the proscenium arch and first floor gallery within the new design, we cannot support the loss of the stage and associated wings without a clear understanding of theatrical needs of Bedford, nor any reasoned justification for the loss of the theatre as a cultural asset."The document goes on to say:
"In your Development Plan Document, Core Strategy and Rural Issues Plan dated April 2008 one of the Plan Objectives 14 (page14) is to ‘Protect and enhance the Borough’s built, cultural and community assets’ as a ‘destination for cultural tourism’. Policy CP2, Sustainable Development Principles, states that the development and use of land will ensure that (vi) ‘important cultural features are protected’. Furthermore, we note that objective (6) of the Milton Keynes & South Midlands Sub-Regional Strategy aims to ‘create sustainable communities by ensuring that economic, environmental, social and cultural infrastructure needs are met’ and that a key priority for Bedford is to ‘Revitalise the town centre of Bedford and enhancing retail, cultural and leisure facilities.’ We therefore fail to see how the loss of the Bedford Civic Theatre without alternative provision in the catchment area can be justified or meet the aspirations and ambitions within your Core Strategy."A pretty damning vindication of what the Campaign to Save the Civic Theatre has been saying all along. The full document will soon be available on the Theatres Trust Website in due course.